Advisory Services
Governance and internal control
For a bank trust is crucial and for that reason stakeholders, internal as well as external, need to feel confidence in that the bank is having a sound, robust and trustable way of the running the operations. Therefore, you need to have an appropriate and transparent structure with a clear and logical distribution of functions and responsibility areas as well as suitable processes for identification, management, monitoring and reporting of risks to ensure that the operations are governed in an efficient and sound way, without being unnecessary or unjustified complicated.

Leif Nyberg has during a 10-year period been head of the department with responsibility för development and maintenance of Swedbank credit governance. This included upholding group common policies, internal regulations and guidelines for the whole credit process with observance of regulatory demands and expectations. In addition, he has also been deputy Chief Credit Officer in Swedbank for several years. This, together with long-standing experience from communication and collaboration with regulatory authorities (EBA, ECB, Swedish FSA and others), gives us the opportunity to provide relevant guidance and support in securing an efficient and prudent structure of governance and control in the operations.

We offer
Overhaul of your credit governance in specific or corporate governance in general (roles and responsibilities etc) together with your management (Board, CEO, management team or similar) Knowledge workshops with your CEO, Credit officer and others regarding proper structures for credit process, risk management, risk ownership, internal control etc.
Risk management
To achieve an efficient risk management there is a need for a sound and consistent risk culture which helps the bank/company to make proper and well-founded decisions. The risk culture therefore plays a central role in risk management and can be described as a mixture of the company risk profile and values, ethical and professional standards, internal principles, and rules as well as prudent behaviour. As important is the communication of this culture among the staff, which need to be fully aware of their responsibilities within the risk management.

We have a solid and wide experience regarding forward-looking analysis, process efficiency, strategic work and framework development, which also include risk management and problem-solving. By that means, we can contribute with guidance and adapted trainings in risk management in general and credit risk management in specific, towards management teams, internal control functions and other personnel.

Furthermore, we have wide experience from recessions and other types of economic crisis since 1990’s and onwards. We have deep knowledge and operational and strategic experience from company restructuring and other types of problem loan management. By that, we are able to give guidance and support regarding increased risk and crisis management as well as management of the quality in the credit portfolio.

We offer
Execution of risk analysis on comprehensive or specific level regarding your processes to identify circumstances that can be seen as a potential risk for the operations not being operated in an efficient or adequate way and in accordance with regulatory expectations. Walk through together with your supervisory management regarding the importance of maintaining sound risk culture and the need of follow-up on the risk profile and risk appetite. Education of the staff on the theme – what is internal control mechanisms and why are they needed Guidance and support regarding operational and strategic management of increased risk and problem loans.
Regulatory application and interpretation
Financial operations and especially banking operations are to a large extent governed by external expectations, being a mixture of regulatory principles, rules and guidelines. The application and interpretation of these external expectations needs however to be adapted to the structure and operation of the individual company (bank or other) and with the usage of common sense. Thus, the application of the external expectations needs to be interpreted based on the underlying purpose of the principle or rule. Literal interpretation without analysis and reflection run the risk of producing bluntness, complexity and lack of logic.

Through many years of reading, analysing and interpreting regulatory texts and linked with extensive dialogue and communication with regulatory authorities, such as legislating and supervisory authorities, both on national level as well as on international level, we are able to guide and give advice regarding interpretation and application of the regulatory expectation level and adapt its application to your values, risk profile and applied processes.

We offer
Consultation and support in relation to supervisory inquiries or other type of dialogue with the authorities Execution of GAP-analysis regarding new or altered external framework Knowledge workshops regarding the context between your operations and your risk profile on one hand and regulatory framework on the other hand, for example application of proportionality principle, purpose perspective approach etc.
A well-functioning bank with sound risk culture always start with the behaviour of the leaders. Persons in managerial positions therefore always need to behave in accordance with the company values. Leaders at all levels need to be aware of and understand the strategic goals and expectations of the company and being able to convey and promote your ethical and professional standards and by that create insight, understanding and acceptance among the co-workers.

Through a wide and long experience within the banking industry as specialist/senior advisor as well as in managerial positions, Leif Nyberg has a solid and reputable leadership but also an ability to communicate this to others.

We offer
Various forms of leadership development sessions, such as lectures, seminars, discussions etc. Individual mentorship
Board and interim assignments
The Board/Supervisory Management has a comprehensive responsibility to establish and convey the core values of the company and the expectation level of the co-workers. The Board needs to continuously monitor and evaluate the risk culture, assess the financial stability of the company, its risk profile and governance. Normally the credit business plays a central role for a bank. Therefore, competence regarding credit governance and internal control is crucial for the Board.

The Board/supervisory management also needs to be evaluated on yearly basis. This is a part of the regulatory expectation level.

Leif Nyberg has around 30 years of experience of banking business in general and credit operations in particular and have had several leading positions within the credit area. In addition, ha also has a background as lawyer, which ensure a good ability to put processes and operations into its legal context.

We offer
Competence for Board assignments Assessment and evaluation of the Board members Interim solutions for critical vacancy positions, such as local Chief Credit Officer etc.
Our wide competence and experience from the banking industry in general and the credit operations in specific makes us able to customise the guidance regarding risk governance and risk management to your specific needs.

The description in the other headings above shall therefore be seen as exemplification of our offerings. If you wish adapted measures or customised ways of guidance or educational efforts, you are of course welcome with your request.